

No, this post is not about my dog. It’s about my son.

My wonderful son, who refuses to eat a waffle with powdered sugar. My adorable son, who refuses to eat delicious cinnamon applesauce. My sweet little boy, who feeds his pancakes to the dog. My cute little buddy, who spit out the bite of yummy grilled cheese sandwich that I offered him for lunch yesterday. My happy baby boy, who refuses to eat most anything else I try to feed him.

My son, who ate dogfood.

I’ve mentioned before that Zachary is a picky eater.

And I’ve mentioned that this is hard for me, since I’m a definite foodie. I love caviar, escargot, sushi, stinky cheese… you name it, I probably love it or have at least eaten it. I always thought I’d be able to enjoy lots of interesting, exotic foods with my kids right from a young age, and maybe one day Zachary will enjoy the same things I do… but right now, he’s not too interested. And that makes me kind of sad. 🙁

Anyway. when Zachary is busy not eating he enjoys feeding little bits of food to the dog. Many times, it’s little bits of HIS food that he’s throwing on the floor to Maya because he thinks it’s funny. Other times, he actually saunters over to the dog’s bowl and feeds her bits of kibble. Yesterday, while I had my back turned as I prepared his lunch, he put one of those little pieces of kibble in his mouth, chewed it, and swallowed it. I noticed he was chewing on something when I turned around to tell him to quit messing with the dog’s food, so I put my finger in his mouth, and out came dogfood. Zachary gave me a big, bright, happy smile!!

Oh. My. God. I was so grossed out!

Though, I wish I had a picture of his happy little face. 🙂

It totally beats me how he’ll reject all of the yummy foods I make and offer him, but he’ll eat dogfood.

Thankfully he ate everything at dinner, drank his milk, and with a happy, full belly, went to bed after cuddling with me for a bed-time story.

It will never cease to amaze me how children can eat all kinds of stuff (dogfood, glue, paper, who knows what else?) and refuse to eat the foods that their parents lovingly cook for them.

Yeah, no one ever told me that would happen. Where did I put that parenting handbook again? Oh yeah… they don’t come with one!!!!

PS: if you could help me out with a vote for my blog here and here, I’ll give you an internet cookie! And it won’t taste like dogfood, I promise. 🙂

8 thoughts on “Dogfood.

  1. You’re in good company, not to worry!! 2 of mine have had dog food bouts, and lived to tell about it. Kinda nasty though, I totally agree! Keep cooking for him, you’ll be glad later you at least exposed him to some different stuff. My oldest adores sushi, but it’s an expensive date for a five-year old 🙂
    .-= Liz Kinsfather´s last blog … Another "One of Those Days" =-.

  2. My mom tells me I used to steal and eat dog cookies, so I guess its not that abnormal of things. So if Z doesn’t eat applesauce and waffles and pancakes and grilled cheese what does he eat? Does he have a favourite food? I’m lucky my boy eats tons of food, but I fear that if I have another I won’t be so fortunate in the food department. Good luck. amber 🙂
    ps. I voted for you too!
    .-= Amber´s last blog … Akumu Ink =-.

  3. It may be gross to you, but not a terrible thing. In fact, I remember an article by Marilyn vos Savant (the person with the highest known IQ) who was asked, “If you were stranded on an island and could only have ONE food item for the entire length, what would it be?” She answered, “dog food”, because dogfood has so many vitamins and a bit of everything (meat, carbs, veggies, etc) that your body would get everything it needed to survive an extended stay.

    That being said….yeah, it’d be better if he ate regular food, but “this too shall pass” should be your mantra and keep offering him food. Besides, the job of a child is to aggravate the parent! ha ha ha

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